コード WL19-01
授業科目 英語学优德体育,优德w88体育appⅡ-1
副題 (Discourse in Social Contexts)
担当者 濱口 壽子
単位 2
期?曜時 前期 水2
対象学年 院生のみ

 The purpose of this course is to enable students to apply discourse analytic approaches to language used in institutional and media contexts.
 Through studying practical applications of discourse analysis to real-life situations, this course aims at understanding how language plays a crucial role in society. Students will be expected to present their own data analysis along with presenting key concepts in relevant references.
 Woods, Nicola. 2006. Describing Discourse: A Practical Guide to Discourse Analysis. London: Hodder Arnold. 
Will be introduced in class.
 Regular attendance, thorough preparation for class activities, and active participation in class discussion are required.
 Attendance, class performance, class presentation and discussion, and a final paper.
1.Introduction to analyzing discourse
2.The discourse ofadvertising: Linguistic analysis (1)
3.The discourse of advertising: Linguistic analysis (2)
4.Presuppositions, speech acts, and the discourses of advertising and politics
5.The discourse of politics: Introduction
6.The discourse of politics: Sounds
7.The discourse of politics: Words
8.The discourse of politics: Syntax
9.The discourse of politics: Pragmatics
10.The discourse of political campaigns
11.Analysis of political speeches (1)
12.Analysis of political speeches (2)
13.Politics and new media
14.Political advertising and new media
15.Wrap-up workshop and discussion

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