コード MM54-01
授業科目 異文化理解 A
副題 (Understanding Foreign Cultures)
副専攻 A1
担当者 ARAKI D.
単位 2
期?曜時 前期 月3
対象学年 1(B)?2?3?4年

 Understanding foreign cultures is a complex and difficult task. I want to introduce cultural differences through group exercises and pair work activities.
 As a Japanese-American, I will focus primarily on differences between Japanese and Americans.
 The primary focus will be on comparing Japanese and American communication styles and examining contemporary topics combined with cross cultural topics such as culture shock, facial expressions, cultural stereotypes, cross cultural relationships, cultural sensitivity and methods for teaching cross culture communication.
 No textbook is required. All materials and handouts will be given at each class.
 All topics come from numerous cross cultural communication books, articles and selected videos.
 Selected students should comprehend at least 80% of the instructor.
 There will be homework assignments that require a minimum 250 words in English. The final project will include an interview with the instructor and a minimum five page report.
1.Week One Self-introduction(Cold Water) and My goals for the future (Icebreaker)
2.Week Two What is Culture? What is Communication?
3.Week Three Introduction to Intercultural Classroom
4.Week Four Welcome to Culture Shock!
5.Week Five Introduction to Intercultural Sensitivity Model
6.Week Six Introduction to D.I.E. and B.M.W.
7.Week Seven Introduction to Communication Styles
8.Week Eight Teaching Methods for Intercultural Communication
9.Week Nine Quiz and/or Project Presentations
10.Week Ten Introduction to Cultural Stereotypes
11.Week Eleven Introduction to "Sayonara" and "Geisha" stereotype
12.Week Twelve Introduction to Intercultural relationships
13.Week Thirteen "Perry the Peacock," "The Chairy Tale" and other Classics
14.Week Fourteen Vocabulary Quiz and/or oral interviews
15.Week Fifteen Project Presentations-- Individual or group

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