コード MJ28-01
授業科目 メディア?コミュニケーション特講7-2
副題 (Topics in Discourse Analysis)
副専攻 M3
担当者 濱口 壽子
単位 2
期?曜時 後期 金2
対象学年 3?4年

 This course is designed for Juniors and Seniors who have interests in media, communication, and linguistics. As this course is interdisciplinary in nature, students will be able to apply their knowledge in their disciplines to other (yet related) academic disciplines.
 This new seminar will introduce topics in the field of discourse analysis. This semester will focus on a few topics that are both perpetuating and current. Data used in class will be taken from the media or real-life situations.
 Reading packet will be given at the beginning of the semester.
 Will be introduced in class.
 Regular attendance is required. The class format will depend on the class size. However, students are expected to actively participate in class activities.
 Attendance, class participation, mid-term&final exams.
1.Introduction: What is discourse analysis?
2.Language of news
3.Language of broadcast news
4.Language of advertising: Persuasion techniques
5.Language of advertising: Cross-cultural differences
6.Language and aviation: Cushing (1994)
7.Language and aviation: Linde (1988) and Nevile (2001)
8.Language and aviation: Air traffic control study
9.Mid-term exam
10.Language of law: Police interviewing
11.Language of law: Use and abuse of language
12.Language and politics: Power and neutrality
13.Language and politics: Persuasion techniques and speech rhetoric
14.Language and politics: US Election 2012
15.Wrap-up discussion&final exam

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