コード MD26-01
授業科目 3年メディア?コミュニケーション演習2-2
副題 (Discourse Analysis and Social Semiotics)
副専攻 M3
担当者 濱口 壽子
単位 2
期?曜時 後期 火2
対象学年 3年

 This course is designed for Juniors who want to pursue their academic interests in communicative aspects of language, its relation to society, and language in the media.
 Students will be introduced to ways of looking at language in order to gain understanding of social issues in everyday life. For each topic discussed in class, students are expected to find their own data, analyze them critically, and present their findings in class.
 A reading packet of selected articles will be given on the first day of class.
 Will be introduced in class.
 Students are expected to read assigned materials prior to class, and actively participate in class discussions. Regular attentance is strictly required.
 Regular attendance, class performance, assignments (reading and short papers), presentation, and a final paper.
1.Introduction: Text and beyond
2.Semiotics and language
4.Semiotics of newspaper
5.Semiotics of advertising
6.Semiotics of social media
7.Semiotics and politics
8.Signs, language, and politics
9.Institutional discourse (1): Overview
10.Institutional discourse (2): Medicine
11.Discourse and medicine: Class discussion
12.Cross-cultural discourse: Sportscasting
13.Cross-cultural discourse: Pidgin English advertising
14.Cross-cultural discourse: Conversational styles
15.Wrap-up discussion: Further directions in discourse analysis

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