コード MC13-01
授業科目 2年英文演習2-1
副題 (Analyzing Language in Society)
副専攻 M3
担当者 濱口 壽子
単位 2
期?曜時 前期 水4
対象学年 2年

 This course aims at understanding components of everyday language use. Through frequent workshops and group projects, students are encouraged to think critically about interrelation between language and social factors such as gender, age, ethnicity, and class.
 This course is designed for the new English majors who are interested in language use in society. We will study basic approaches to language used in ethnomethodology and discourse analysis. Students work in groups, collect their data, analyze them collaboratively, and present their findings in class.
 Handouts and articles will be given in class.
 To be introduced in class.
 Regular attendance and active participation are required.
 Attendance, class performance, class discussion and presentation, mid-term paper/exam, and a final paper.
1.Introduction to language in society
2.Speech acts: What do we do with language?
3.Sample analysis of speech acts
4.Interlanguage speech acts
5.Workshop: Speech acts
6.Dell Hymes
7.Workshop: SPEAKING model
9.Mismatching frames
10.Workshop: Framing
11.Framing in sports broadcasting
12.Sportscasting register: SPEAKING of sports
13.Power and solidarity: Address forms
14.Workshop: Address forms in different contexts
15.Wrap-up discussion

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