コード AE16-01
授業科目 2年英語2(オラル) A
担当者 松原 美智子
単位 2
期?曜時 通年 月2
対象学年 2年

1. Use active listening skills when communicating with each other.
2. Carry out small group discussions as discussion leader and participant.
3. Demonstrate effective presentation and discussion skills and strategies.
4. Give and receive constructive feedback on a presentation.
5. Speak in public situations with relative confidence and ease.
 The course aims to improve students' basic communication skills, including listening, small group communication and presentation through the integration of classroom teaching techniques and technology.
 Varies according to the teacher.
 Weekly attendance is required. Students are expected to complete homework assignments and be fully prepared in order to actively engage in class activities.
 Attendance, in-class work, homework assignments, presentations and final evaluation each term.
1.Introduction to oral communication
2.Expressions for daily conversation
3.Listening for information
4.Partner communication
5.Strategies for active listening
6.Discussion skills
7.Discussion subskills
8.Functional language for discussion
9.Small group discussions
10.Transferring discussion skills to presentation
11.Developing partner/group presentation
12.How to give and receive presentation feedback
13.Presentation rehearsal
14.Final presentation & discussion
15.Presentation evaluation feedback
16.Summer assignment presentation
17.Review, recycle of listening and discussion skills
18.Conducting research for presentation topic
19.Rules on plagiarism
20.Review elements of successful presentation
21.Audience appeal and response in presentation
22.Developing informed/persuasive presentations
23.Group discussions on presentations
24.Discussant leader role
25.Using supporting materials and presentation aids
26.Vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation practice
27.Group/teacher edit and revision of presentation
28.Presentation rehearsal and feedback
29.Final presentations
30.Presentation peer/teacher feedback

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