コード GJ12-01
系列 系列:基礎言語コミュニケーション
授業科目 英語コミュニケーションⅠ(2) A
単位 2
期?曜時 後期 月2
対象学年 2?3?4年

 To improve speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills. To encourage interest in what is happening around the world. To discuss current news events and social issues. To see events from a global perspective. To gain confidence in expressing opinions.
 To give students the opportunity and skills to discuss and debate the most current events and social issues in other countries and Japan in English; to see events and issues from a global perspective; to improve critical thinking skills; to express verbal and written opinions; to reinforce first semester computer skills.
 No text
 To be chosen during the course.
 Most important will be steady attendance and your sincere effort to actively participate in the class no matter what your level of English.
 Attendance; careful preparation of internet, listening, and reading homework; active participation in discussions; personal opinions about topics; semester report.
1.  This class is entirely in English. The most recent
2.  news and social issues in other countries and
3.  Japan provide topics for research and discussion. Students use English news, documentaries, the
4.  internet, and other sources from around the
5.  world and try to see different points of view.
6.  Events and issues from both developed and developing countries are the basis for small
7.  group discussion and research. Class work
8.  focuses on speaking and listening, with reading and writing done outside the class. The course
9.  aims to increase students’ awareness of
10.  international issues. It also aims to make students good spokespeople for their own
11.  country, able to explain what is happening in Japan and give their opinions about it.
12.  The semester report gives students a chance to
13.  do extensive research and reviews first semester
14.  skills. Homework will be given each week and includes reading, writing, listening in the Media
15.  Center, or preparing for discussion.

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