コード MD55-01
系列 系列:I. English Studies
授業科目 4年英語学演習3-1
副専攻 M1
担当者 田中 玲子
単位 2
期?曜時 前期 木2
対象学年 4年

 This course aims at studying and practicing research methods using themes from Linguistics and TEFL. Critical reading in English and Japanese in preparation for writing the graduation thesis will be offered. The language used in class will depend on the students.
 Oral presentations, participation in discussions and paper assignments
 Papers in the field of Contrastive Linguistics and TEFL will be selected taking the thesis topics chosen by the class into consideration.
 Reference books will be introduced in class during the course of the year.
 Active participation in class discussions and meeting deadlines for assignments
1.Introduction of the papers chosen to be read in class
2.Readings and discussions of the papers
3.Making reference cards for thesis
4.Outlining for thesis
5.Interim and final oral reports of thesis

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