コード WL42-01
系列 英語英文学専攻(修士課程)
授業科目 20世紀英米文学优德体育,优德w88体育appⅠ-1
副題 (T. S. Eliot: The Private Life and the Published Work)
担当者 山田 由紀
単位 2
期?曜時 前期 水2
対象学年 学部4年生も可

 An in-depth reading of T. S. Eliot's work, focusing on the relation of Eliot's private life to his published work. As A. David Moody states, "Eliot's poetry is made up out of what the man lived through; but the poet we come to know in it is an elected self." What is a poet? We will discuss this theme by reading some of the poetical works of Eliot together with his prose works.
 Class attendance / oral presentations / term paper
 To be announced
 Reference books will be introduced in class.
 Regular class attendance and active participation in discussion are required.
1. Poems (1920)
2. The Hollow Men
3. Ariel Poems
4. Ash-Wednesday
5. Essays
6. Letters
7. Biographies
8. Critical perspectives

Copyrights 2007 University of the Sacred Heart , Tokyo all rights reserved.

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