中島平三(編)(2001)『最新英語構文辞典』大修館. 北川善久?上山あゆみ(2004)『生成文法の考え方』优德体育,优德w88体育app 社.
Fromkin, V. et al.(1999) Linguistics: An Introduction to Linguistic Theory. Polity.
大体の内容は次のとおり(後期『3年英語学演習1-2』の内容も含む)。 1.Foundations of Generative Grammar Scientific methodology Innateness of language 2.Fundamentals of Syntactic Analysis Rules and trees Constituency 3.Structural Relations C-command 4.Binding Theory 5.X-bar Theory Complements and Adjuncts 6.Extending X-bar Theory CP, TP, and DP 7.Theta Roles and Lexicon 8.Head-to-head Movement 9.NP/DP Movement 10.Raising, Control, and Empty Categories 11.Wh-movement
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